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A Prayer For Our Nation

Published in Blog on November 15, 2021 by Mississippi SMW Team

Great God,

Thank you for the improvements we see from the election results overnight. Let it be an encouragement to everyone in the Convention of States and beyond. Show us how to use it for your glory and the strengthening of our nation.

Wake up voters across the nation for the upcoming 2022, and certainly for 2024. You are awakening people who have been sleeping for more than a generation. Help your activists, like me, be patiently and persistently there for them as they awaken and choose to stand up for freedom.

Underneath all the political fodder, the choice is between your will and against your will for America. May your will prevail in the hearts of Americans. Guide us back to "being one nation under You, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Those are powerful words You led our forefathers to write - for us to internalize and to drive our decisions when push comes to shove. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen."

Please say The Pledge of Allegiance with me:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America..."  The flag is a symbol of the gift of freedom from an oppressive government. God led our forefathers to achieve that freedom, but the path was paved with the blood of courageous and determined ancestors from multiple ethnicities.

"...and to the Republic for which it stands..."  In a democracy, the power to govern goes to the people. In a republic, the laws are established by a formal constitution. In the United States, we have a federal republic. That means the states are mini-republics performing agreed-upon responsibilities and within boundaries stated in the Constitution. The Constitution gives broad discretion to the States - as written.

" Nation under God..." God inspired our unique brand of liberty from oppression so we could enjoy His gift of freedom. Freedom flourished as residual waves crossed this land under the opportunities available through the Constitution. First, slaves gained independence. It wasn't free though. Freedom was possible because of our constitutional guidelines. Later, women gained the right to vote.

"...indivisible..." If our common plumb point is God, we will not be divided. Likewise, if our plumb point is no longer common, it will be easy to divide us by differing priorities. Lack of focused priorities will impact how we guide our elected officials and their teams in supporting our constitutional republic.

"...with liberty..." When divided, someone will always want to be on top and oppress those who disagree over priorities and investments. You've heard 'follow the money? When the money gets close, we see true priorities exposed. If you don't believe it, let's revisit what's going on across our country today.

"...and justice for all." Exposed priorities reveal where we are out of sync - divided if you will. Chaos becomes prevalent, and faux justice becomes a tool to stoke that division while enemies of the republic seize the opportunity. Judicial decisions and legislation become a point to leverage control for the takeover. 

That's where we find ourselves in 2021. Unfortunately, we are divided in priorities that threaten our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. What is happiness to you? To me, it is contentment in the path we pursue together, giving us both opportunities to grow as a person and a citizen without taking other people out along the way. 

Priorities do not equate to getting everything I want. It means having what I need to pursue the life I'm called to live without compromising someone else's freedom. I have peace now, even in the middle of our American Chaos. Sounds like a TV show, doesn't it - American Chaos. But it's not, and where we are isn't where we have to be or want to stay. 

My peace comes from God, as does my conviction to be part of The Solution provided through Article V of the U.S. Constitution. 

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