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A Practical Love: Why We Must Act Now (and stop overthinking this)

Published in Blog on February 22, 2022 by Kira Gilbert

On November 18, 2021, in “The Time is NOW,” (Convention of States Blog), Texas COS volunteer Deborah Efurd issued the following call to action:

Since volunteering, I have heard every excuse dreamed of why people won’t volunteer. The truth is, America is a great country, but is rapidly being eroded by elimination of our rights as citizens. Ours is a ship that is sinking fast unless We the People turn the tide. There’s no time for excuses any longer. EVERYONE can do SOMETHING to bail the water out of this ship.

Let’s zero in for a moment on the excuses, and so no one feels on the spot, I’ll use my own as examples.

  • Favorite excuse #1: Not enough time.
  • Favorite excuse #2: I don’t have the required experience/expertise.
  • Favorite excuse #3: Someone else will step up.

The problem with each of these excuses is that each of them focuses on me and my shortcomings. But what if I was less important in the story?

What if, instead of thinking about what I can’t do, I start remembering all that I have been given, and let that provoke my heart to love and gratitude? What if, instead of retreating in fear, we advance in faith?

After all, if George Washington had succumbed to the prevailing mood of desolation and despair that plagued his own army, the greatness that became America might never have been.

As Mother Theresa said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

So today, let this be my prayer: to open my heart to gratitude for the countless COS volunteers working across the nation to prune this parasitic government and to bring back the foundations of our wonderful country, that it might grow strong and sturdy again.  

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