If you ever talk to someone who doesn't think we need a Convention of States to get this country back on track, show them this article by our Michigan coalitions director, G.J. LaRouche. (The following is an excerpt. You can read the full article here.)
Opportunities do not often arise that enable the people and their state legislatures to join forces to push back the corruption and greed of the federal government.
Since the Progressive Era at the turn of the 20th century, Washington has done its best to implement higher taxes, ballooning deficits, onerous regulations and a myriad of bureaucracies that make living and working in America impossible to enjoy. I have joined in an effort to fight this corruption and I hope you will join me in turning back the clock of big government.
I am the coalitions director of the Michigan for the Convention of States Project, which is sponsored by Citizens for Self-Governance. Its goal is to call for an Article V Convention of States to amend the U.S. Constitution for the purpose of curtailing the scope and jurisdiction of the federal government. Thirty-four state legislatures must pass resolutions calling for such a convention. I hope you will help Michigan be one of those states. [...]
I know many people may think this is unnecessary, and America is still a great place live, breathe and work. They will deny our federal government is out of control and contend that all we need to do is put the right people in charge. Yet politicians from both parties have corrupted the system for over 100 years. To give you some perspective, let me cite a couple of concrete examples that illustrate how far we've come.
Columnist Ralph Benko of Forbes magazine was able to put the trend of runaway spending in Washington into perspective. Writing in DNBC.com, Benko said:
"The federal government spent $15 billion from 1790-1900. Not $15 billion a year, $15 billion cumulatively. Uncle Sam will spend $10 billion a day in 2011. The federal government spends more every two days than it did altogether for more than America's first century. Although these sums are not adjusted for inflation (or population growth), they give a correct impression of the magnitude of the change from what our founders set forth and our early statesmen delivered."
You can read the rest of the article here.