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Hand me that flame: a Convention of States and a prescribed burn

Published in Blog on March 27, 2019 by TC Meuninck

I am in the middle of doing prescribed burns (setting the Georgia forest on fire). It is the best practice to keep the forest healthy for plants, wild life, and beauty.

Someone needs to tell California.

Oh yeah, there is a serious planned process before one undertakes such as a prescribed burn: the right time of year, the right weather (after much rain), and putting fire breaks in place so the fire can not jump to where you don't want it to go.

The burn is started against the wind (called back burning), so the fire goes slow and moves away from the fire break. Much later the fire is started on each side and finally with the wind. The result is the fire is used to control the fire by consuming the fuel required to keep a fire burning.

The purpose of the fire is to consume the ground fuel (dead wood and brush) and convert it into ash (a fertilizer). The native Americans understood the secret of fire. 

Prescribed burns need to be done on a sufficiently regular basis so the fuel load (dead wood, tress, branches, brush) doesn't build up so much that it creates a really hot fire that kills every living thing and scorches the earth. Are you listening, California?

The recovery time from such a hot fire is lengthy because mother earth has much to repair before she can recover sufficiently to support new life.

Do you suppose the United States of America is in need of a prescribed burn? What exactly is a Convention of States? This nation has enjoyed a long history of growing new life as it embraced unity birthed in its founding values. 

This nation is long past due to schedule a necessary planned prescribed burn. So much dead wood has piled up, just in my lifetime. Modern politicians became comfortable entrenching themselves in power.

Very old old ideas that rejected in the beginning by our founders-- not thought possible a few short years ago--are being dressed up in fancy images of a utopian new world order. In truth they are being hidden behind a mask of death for the few who lust for power and control. This is the dead wood in need of burning. 

Wouldn't it better to use a fire to convert old, dried up, dead fuel into fertilizer? Fire creates ash and from the ash arises the rebirth and growth of the dream of liberty and a real chance for people to find the purpose within this dream the hope for themselves through the gift of giving themselves away to a spirit greater then themselves. Lord, we should know that something must die each day so we can have life.

New life is what every heart longs for, no matter his or her age. This nation has passed through many fires. We should never doubt the spirit hidden in the flames that revealed our flag is still there! The home of the brave, the land of the free, the American dream...

Someone hand me that flame. I am making ready to start a fire we call the Convention of States. Will you join me?

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