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A clarion call to a church of cowards

Published in Blog on July 10, 2024 by Jakob Fay

Matt Walsh opened his 2020 “Church of Cowards: A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians” with an unforgettable indictment of American Christianity. That chapter, hauntingly titled “Christians Not Worth Killing,” envisions what would happen if a “heathen horde” arrived on our shores, dead-set on persecuting Christians. Matt’s conclusion, in short, is that they would not find what they were looking for. Instead, they would determine, to their great disappointment, that what passes for “Christianity” in America is nothing more than a hollowed-out, spiritually toothless, Oprah-inspired scam.

“Sorrowfully, gloomily, they [the heathens] walk back to their boats and sail away. They were not able to crush our Christian way of life—because we don’t have a Christian way of life. They were not able to destroy the church because there wasn’t much of a church left in America to destroy. They were not able to behead the Christians because they couldn’t find Christians to behead. They unsheathed their swords only to discover that what they came to kill was already dead. They had traveled all that way to persecute a corpse.”

This plaint in the form of a parable is alarmingly acute. Assuaged by our own useless assurances that the “vast majority of Americans are, despite all evidence, still Christians,” we have lost sight of the fact that in today’s society, “Christian” is largely a nominal term, a mockery of the true heroes of the faith who came before us.

Indeed, as research from Dr. George Barna shows, a mere 6% of Americans today hold to a historically “biblical worldview,” which Barna describes as a belief in six basic Bible teachings.

That absolute moral truth exists
That the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches
That Satan is a real being or force
That a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works
That Jesus Christ lived a sinless life
And that God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today

Somewhere between 60-70% (Barna says 68%) of Americans identify as Christians… and yet, only 6% of them affirm a basic Bible-based worldview? This is shocking. And for those of us who believe that the Bible is the key to national success, it does not bode well for our future.

Maybe Walsh’s commentary wasn’t so far-fetched, after all!

Christianity and the Bible must go hand-in-hand. The one cannot exist without the other. A nation claiming to be “Christian” while less than 6% of its population adheres to traditional Christian beliefs cannot truly be considered a Christian nation. We are deceiving ourselves if we claim otherwise.

Don’t let yourself be counted amongst the Bible-denying crowd of “Christians not worth killing.” This is your clarion call to truly commit yourself to becoming a biblical citizen, embracing the inspired Word of God in every area of your life. 

Starting this Monday (July 15), from 7-9 P.M. CT, join Mark Meckler, Rick Green, and other special guests, including Kirk Cameron, for a weekslong course in “Biblical Citizenship in Modern America.” In the fight for the nation’s soul, we must reverse the trends of waning biblical literacy and application. Register today, and learn what it takes to be a biblical citizen!

Register here!

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