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A Christmas present for Palestine

Published in Blog on December 21, 2020 by Jodean Bown

$250 million to Palestine.

Repeat that again. $250 million. In the latest stimulus bill (that is supposed to help Americans), buried deep in the 6,000 page pile of pork, they slipped in this little gem.

However, it is conditional. Palestine must promise never to give it to the Palestinian Authority or other terrorist groups. We know they always keep their promises, right?

Leaders gave members of Congress six hours to read the bill. They knew that these little nuggets of stimulus spending would be overlooked or ignored. Who wants to be that Congressmen who denies the $600 check to those who are struggling?

One $600 check that we all know will never cancel out the debt and need that many have in this country. Yes, $600 for so many who have faithfully paid their taxes over the years and now are looking at losing their business and their homes, wondering how they will feed their families in the coming year.

Congress needs to have limits on this reckless spending. They need to be restrained in their ability to hand over taxpayer money to foreign entities with a signature.

We the People have the ability to do this. Call your state legislators, sign the Convention of States petition, and share this with family and friends.

Our power through the proposed amendments of COS are going to be the only thing these people understand.

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