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Convention of States!


A Call to Recommit to America’s Founding Principles

Published in Blog on September 04, 2024 by Peter Angelo Serefine

Every year on September 17th, Americans come together to celebrate one of the most significant documents in our nation’s history—the United States Constitution. This day honors not just a piece of parchment but the living framework of our Republic, a document that has guided our nation for over two centuries. The U.S. Constitution is the shortest in the world, yet it holds the record as the longest-serving, a testament to the wisdom and foresight of the Founding Fathers.

The Constitution's remarkable longevity can be attributed to its simplicity and clarity. Despite being crafted by a group of men, many of whom were lawyers, the document is written in language that is accessible to the average citizen. The Founders deliberately avoided complex legal jargon, instead creating a document that embodies the principle of popular sovereignty—ensuring that every American can understand their rights and the limits of government power.

James Madison, often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution," emphasized that the Constitution was designed to "secure the blessings of liberty" for future generations. This enduring mission is why Constitution Day is more than just a historical commemoration; it is a call to action. As John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States, famously urged,

“Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.”

Jay’s words resonate deeply today. If we fail to study the Constitution, it risks becoming a mere "parchment barrier" against government overreach and tyranny—a fear expressed by Madison himself. A constitution, no matter how well-crafted, is powerless without an informed and vigilant citizenry to uphold and defend it.

In an era where debates over the Constitution’s interpretation are increasingly divisive, Constitution Day should serve as a reminder of our shared responsibility. It is an opportunity for every American to revisit the text of the Constitution, to understand its original intent, and to commit to preserving its principles. As Thomas Jefferson warned,

“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

This reminder is particularly crucial today, as modern governance often obscures the simplicity and clarity that the Constitution was designed to embody.

To aid in this critical study, resources such as the "Founders' Constitution" by Liberty Lighthouse are invaluable. This tool delves into the original intent of the Constitution, offering insights from the Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers, and notes from the ratifying conventions. By utilizing such resources, citizens can equip themselves with the knowledge necessary to defend the Constitution as the Founders intended.

At the Convention of States, we understand the importance of returning to the original intent of the Constitution. The ongoing efforts to convene a Convention of States aim to restore the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and federalism. The power to amend the Constitution rests with the states and the people, as outlined in Article V. By actively participating in this process, we can ensure that the Constitution remains a living document, not just a relic of the past.

Let this Constitution Day be more than just a day of reflection—let it be a day of recommitment. We must honor the legacy of the Founders by ensuring that the Constitution remains a living document through our active participation and vigilance. Study it, teach it to future generations, and defend it against any encroachment. By doing so, we affirm that the U.S. Constitution, in its brevity and simplicity, is indeed the bedrock of our freedoms and the cornerstone of our Republic’s future.

Note: This article is a condensed version of the original, which was published at


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