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Convention of States!


50 Patriots Who Would Have Signed: Dr. Joseph Warren

Published in Blog on September 27, 2021 by Gayle McCowin

Dr. Joseph Warren was “ A True Patriot," not only in action, but in alias as well. In response to the Stamp Act, parliament passed the Townshend Act in 1767 and out of this act was the birth Dr. Warren's nom de plume “A True Patriot", his association with the secret society, Sons of Liberty, and a close friendship with fellow patriot, Samuel Adams. 

A Harvard graduate, teacher and physician, Dr. Warren was noted to have such a way with words that his patriotic articles published in the Boston Gazette angered the royal governor Francis Bernard to the point that the Governor attempted to have Dr. Warren and the publishers charged with libel. It was these articles that helped him achieve elevated status in the patriotic movement between 1766-1775.  

Courageous acts like those of Dr. Warren, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams catapulted a nation into a movement of defiance, a movement that would allow people to believe that, with strength of numbers, the British Parliament would need to respond to the separatist movement.

Their actions instilled nearly 10 years of anger, military planning, and patriotic confidence which spread throughout the colonies like wildfire. Colonists stood up and refused to be controlled by a monarch overseas.  

While other prominent leaders participated in the Continental Congress, Dr. Warren played a major role in the political movement. He remained in Boston to raise the militia, arms, and gun powder, but also maintained his prominent role as a community physician while collecting military intelligence. Some speculate one of his patients and informants was the wife of the most prominent Royal military officer, General Gage. 

Dr. Warren was commissioned into service as a Major General just three days prior to the Battle of Bunker Hill in June 1775, where he fell to a fatal gunshot wound.

“It is the united voice of America to preserve their freedom, or lose their lives in defense of it. Their resolutions are not the effect of inconsiderate rashness, but the sound result of sober inquiry and deliberation.”  

Dr. Joseph Warren, November 1774

Be A True Patriot like Dr. Joseph Warren. Sign the petition and support a call for a Convention of States under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. You can bet Dr. Joseph Warren would have signed!

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