Beginning in this 2025 legislative season, Colorado has a new Legislative Liaison. Our LL, John Graboski has stepped away from his role to pursue personal and family goals but he will continue to be the District Captain in State House District 44 and he's organizing the 2025 COS Rally at the Capitol on April 23rd.
The Colorado Leadership Team will miss John in his role but we are confident and ready to have our newly appointed Legislative Liaison, Frank Vaughn. If you look around in the Colorado blogs, I have written a few times about Frank's impressive results in the last two years. He is a dedicated volunteer who led the letter writing campaign last year, he has appeared twice at the State Capitol to testify before committee for our COS Resolution, he's a Veteran and active with COS Vets, and he has understood the Legislative role and can easily take on this leadership role.
This year we are beginning the legislative focus on 34|Ready. This has been a project that the Legislative Team has been working on with the National COS Action Team since last year. It's time to introduce the process to both the Colorado people and to our State Legislators.
Frank has described 34|Ready here. Also, watch the 3 minute video below.