EVERY New Jersey Senator (40) and Assembly Representative (80) seat will be determined in New Jersey’s November 2023 Election. In addition, there are elections for government officials in over 500 Jersey municipals and the 21 counties of NJ, as well as elections for local school board members.
Historically 2023 is considered to be an “off” year because there is no presidential nor governor’s race. However, this makes getting out to vote even MORE important for three reasons:
1) The founders of America provided for We the People to VOTE as the basis of a Representative Government. Our Founding Fathers knew the only way their experiment with self-governance would work was if We the People stayed engaged. Our founders provided that opportunity to get out and vote every two and four years. They saw this as our minimum civic duty.
2) To cause the election to truly reflect the will of the people, the percentage of registered voters that turnout must be HIGH. The best NJ election turnout of recent years as based on the percentage of registered voters who cast a ballot was during the 2020 presidential race: 75.27% reported for NJ by https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_elections By contrast note a much lower turnout in the other years. Generally, we can say there are two major parties that comprise the majority of the voting bloc. Dividing any of the low turnout years by two indicates that from 15-19% up to 21-26% of voters are deciding who represents We the People in the local, county, and state level elections. Let’s do much better in 2023.
3) NJ voters have a unique open window in 2023 to vote for many new legislators who will bring fresh ideas to the office they may hold. Seven NJ Senators and 20 NJ Assembly members are retiring at the end of their term in 2023. There is a high possibility for a new candidate, i.e. non-incumbent, to earn a seat; 23.3% chance as per https://ballotpedia.org/State_legislative_elections
Given there is not a presidential nor a governor’s race in 2023, there is a greater opportunity for NJ voters to get to know their candidates for the school board, municipal offices such as mayor and town council, county clerk or commissioners, and the state legislators. Attend “Meet the Candidates” events, explore the candidates’ websites to learn their platform and goals, and then contact them if you have questions. It is also essential that you vote according to your conscience and values. Often elections are won by a very small margin. Your vote could be the difference that ensures a like-minded government official represents you, from the local to the state level.
Please click here to learn how NJ has nj.gov/3-ways-to-vote