The first day of March brought many patriots together to accomplish the COS mission, "to build America's largest, engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists" even as meetings occurred across the state. The weather was still cold and crisp, but the sun was out in most areas, pleading with these winter soldiers to gather and ready themselves for this session's Legislative battle.
Our 34|Ready Faithful Commissioners Bill, HB214 was filed just days ago, with the COS troops rallying bipartisan support, including several new freshmen legislators! With four (4) primary sponsors and sixteen (16) co-sponsors, the North Carolina team flexed our muscles again, not deterred by the lack of response to pass our COS Resolution in last year’s session. The true grit and faithful commitment to each other to work as a team and continue to victory sets a fine example of the sacred honor to each other that we live by.
The Charlotte Region, led by RC John Dahmen, hosted a table at the Concord Gun Show, receiving 50 petitions from across the state; 2 new volunteer activists; and hosted by 9 COS volunteers and leaders.
In the Mountain Region, Jeff Groh, RC, also hosted a gun show. Jeff is below, left with a friend.
On the east side of the state, Judy Carter, RC of the Coastal Region, hosted a breakfast meeting in Greenville, where all in attendance wrote letters to Sen. Phil Berger, speaker pro-temp, beckoning him once again to bring our COS Resolution to the Senate floor soon.
Meanwhile, the first ever COS meeting in Jacksonville, NC, hosted by RC Gary Norris of the Sandhills Region, had a great turnout with more meetings planned ahead.
In the center of the state, Piedmont Region, we held a viewing from the video of the simulated Article V Convention in 2023. Hosted by RC Team member Melissa Martin and Katherine Del Conte, RC, eight (8) attendees gathered at King Library in Stokes County.
Shaun, a new guest and Army Veteran who served two tours in Iraq, is passionate about COS and Article V. “We cannot expect our Government to make the needed corrections to itself. I’ve known about Article V since 8th grade Civics class. These meetings serve the purpose of educating citizens. I’m so grateful I came today and grateful for the work of COS” said Shaun.
Spread across the state - but all in the same battle to restore self-governance in the way it was always meant to be in our Constitution - these meetings provide one way for patriots to win the battle to save our country. The founding fathers knew the time would come when permanent change would be needed, not the kind of change that only lasts as long as an executive order.
Join us in the fight to save our country. Get connected - sign the petition today!