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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Host a Meet and Greet in your Home

Published in Volunteer Resources on March 22, 2020 by Allen Wegele

There are a number of volunteer activities that can contribute to our mission as a passed state to "Build an engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists”. This document will help you to know how to conduct one of those activities namely “Host a Meet and Greet in your home”. Though many people have never heard of the Convention of States project, they are unhappy with the state of affairs in our Federal government. Many are concerned that the Congress is engaged in reckless deficit spending and creating endless laws and regulations that stifle creativity and reach into every aspect of our lives. Most have no idea of how to change it but when they learn about the provision the framers of our constitution made to rein in an out of control government using Article V of the constitution, they are interested and support the idea. The key is getting that information to them by someone they like and trust. That is where you come in. If you have relatives, friends or neighbors who might be interested in learning about a powerful and effective way to make a difference and restore our Federal government to what the framers intended, you can be the one to reach them.

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