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Convention of States!

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A "Constitutional Prescription" to Save the Nation and Its Healthcare System

Published in Coalitions on April 05, 2018 by Michael Sean Tranchina

By Doctor and Senator Tom Coburn. The healthcare system cannot be fixed by physicians. “Did you ever think it would get this bad? The federal government now practices medicine, tells you how you have to record your notes, and limits your ability to freely practice as you were trained.” Do you realize there is nothing in the ‘original’ Constitution that gives them such power? Not only that, but half the time we have our staff asking ‘mother may I’ from some nurse employed by an insurance company, looking at a flow chart then telling you what you can and cannot do — without knowing or ever seeing the patient. There is a way to fix ‘medicine’ by limiting the federal government’s control over the market. Article V of the Constitution allows us to call an Amendments Convention to limit federal intrusion.

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