COS Washington Team's Surge Day for 2024 at the state capitol in Olympia is RESCHEDULED!
We hope you can join us for this special event on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Please click here to RSVP for this event. You will find more information and event details below.
The Mission: In the 2023-2024 legislative session, thirty-five sponsors lined up to say that we want to join the nineteen states who have already called for an Article V convention of the states to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which are germane to the following subjects:
1) Fiscal responsibility,
2) Restraints on federal power and jurisdiction against the states, and
3) Term limits for federal officials and members of Congress.
We’re On the Move: Unfortunately, getting a committee hearing this year is now very unlikely, as this is a short legislative session (it ends March 7th). But we are definitely not giving up!
We’ve introduced our Article V resolution in Washington every year since 2016, to a high-water mark of 35 members sponsoring in 2023. We expect even more growth when we look for sponsors again next session.
Join our team as we also discuss national and state updates, find out what our plans for 2024 might involve, and get in the same room with like-minded individuals!
Thursday, February 22nd, 10 am - 11 am: Meet & Greet at Wagner's European Bakery & Café. Follow this link here for the directions.
11 am-12 pm: Washington Team Presentation: Meet some of our team members, find your District Captain, and find out more about volunteer positions, upcoming events, and our goals for 2024 and beyond.
12 pm-1 pm: Visit the Capitol Building and greet legislators. If you are interested in sitting down with your legislator, contact us and we can help set up an appointment and join you in your meeting.
Please wear any Convention of States merch that you can so your legislators can see that COS is picking up steam in Washington. We will have COS buttons available, so be sure to put one on before we head to the Capitol!
If there is only one day a year that you dedicate to regaining our freedoms, make it Surge Day!