Tired of an out-of-control federal government? Want to know more about this constitutional method to rein in an out-of-control federal government using an Article V Convention of States? Interested in how you can get involved with Convention of States in North Carolina and here locally? Want to know the latest status of our resolution in the NC House and Senate, and what is going on nationally? Then attend this local lunch meeting.
Meeting Location: Southern Porch | 117 Main St. | Canton, NC
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from noon to about 1:30 p.m.
Note that we need to spend in total at least $150 for lunch to get the meeting room for free, so buying lunch from the menu is appreciated.
After we gather and order lunch, Jeff Groh, Regional Captain with Convention of States will provide a brief overview of the COS mission, the Article V effort, where we are with passing the resolution here in NC and how you can help.
You are welcome to bring a friend, but ask that you RSVP here.
Questions? Contact Jeff Groh at (302) 367-3160 or by email.