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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Volunteer Resources

COS NC - COSAction App and TelePatriot Training

Published in Volunteer Resources on January 01, 2022 by Joy Ruhmann

This is a powerpoint with video on using the COSAction app!

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Tips and Suggestions for COS Volunteers at Gun Shows

Published in Volunteer Resources on July 13, 2022 by Amy Grant

Gun shows are typically packed with second-amendment freedom-loving Americans, which makes these venues an excellent location to spread the word about Convention of States and gain petition signatures. Here are some sharp-shootin’ tips and suggestions from COSA volunteers who have pitched in during gun shows in Colorado.

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Tips and Suggestions for COS Volunteers at Public Events

Published in Volunteer Resources on July 13, 2022 by Amy Grant

If you’re looking for a way to spread the word about Convention of States and gain multiple petition signatures from freedom-loving Americans, look no further than the many public events here in Colorado. Consider arranging a booth at trade shows, county fairs, local festivals, farmer’s markets, political events, etc. Here are some...

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Digital Pocket Constitution

Published in Grassroots Library Volunteer Resources on September 01, 2021 by Kyle Key

This Digital Pocket Constitution features the United States Constitution with a special foreword by Mark Meckler. It also includes all of the Amendments and the Declaration of Independence. Updated June 22, 2021.

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Five Myths About An Article V Convention Rack Card

Published in Grassroots Library Volunteer Resources on August 10, 2021 by Kyle Key

Five Myths About An Article V Convention by Rita Dunaway highlights five common myths about the Article V convention process, including the myth that an Article V convention is a constitutional convention, that there would be no control over the topics, and that Congress would be able to exercise control over the process. 8.25"x3.75"

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Convention of States Branding Horizontal Banner - 6'x2.5'

Published in Volunteer Resources on July 30, 2021 by Kyle Key

6 foot by 2.5 foot horizontal banner featuring the Convention of States branding logo and website.

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Convention of States Horizontal Banner 3 Topics - 6'x2.5'

Published in Volunteer Resources on July 30, 2021 by Kyle Key

6 foot by 2.5 foot horizontal banner featuring the 3 topics of the Convention of States resolution: term limits, fiscal responsibility, and ending federal overreach. Also includes the Convention of States branding logo and website.

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COS on Life, Liberty & Levin

Published in Volunteer Resources Solution on July 21, 2021 by Kyle Key

Convention of States President Mark Meckler and COS Senior Advisor Tom Coburn appeared on the Fox News Channel's Life, Liberty & Levin with host and COS endorser Mark Levin to discuss Convention of States and how it can help stop and overreaching government by embracing the Constitution.

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COS Retractable Banner - Stand Up. Speak Up. Show Up.

Published in Volunteer Resources on December 30, 2023 by Kyle Key

33" x 81" retractable banner with the phrase, "Stand Up. Speak Up. Show Up."

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COS Retractable Banner - Solution As Big As the Problem

Published in Volunteer Resources on December 30, 2023 by Kyle Key

33" x 81" retractable banner with the phrase, "A Solution As Big As the Problem."

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COS Retractable Banner - 3 COS topics

Published in Volunteer Resources on December 30, 2023 by Eric Greenwood

33" x 81" retractable banner with the 3 topics of the Convention of States resolution.

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Convention of states action

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