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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Volunteer Resources

COS 2023 Executive Summary

Published in Volunteer Resources on May 18, 2024 by Jonathan Viaud

This document outlines the process for Article V, the COS resolution, types of amendments that could be proposed under the COS resolution's subject areas, endorsers of COS, and more.

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COS Legislator Brochure

Published in Volunteer Resources on May 19, 2024 by Jonathan Viaud

This brochure outlines the plan for Convention of States, quotes Article V, why a convention should be called, and more.

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COSNC 2023 Rally Flyer

Published in Volunteer Resources on August 01, 2023 by Joy Ruhmann

COS NC's flyer for our April 19, 2023 Rally at Halifax Mal!!

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Convention of states action

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