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to call for a

Convention of States!



Briefing Book

Published in Process on December 31, 2023 by Convention Of States Project

The Article V Briefing Book for Lawyers and Legislative Drafters

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Proposed Convention Rules

Published in Process on October 19, 2021 by Convention Of States Project

In July 2015, Professor Rob Natelson, one of the nation’s leading Article V experts, crafted an initial draft of rules for a Convention of the States along with Convention of States Project co-founder, Michael Farris. Since then, a group of 200+ state legislators from 40 states have been invited to review Natelson’s rules and provide...

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Model Convention of States Application/Resolution

Published in Process Volunteer Resources Solution on April 05, 2024 by Convention Of States Project

The Model Convention of States application Resolution provides citizens and legislators with the correct operative language to include in their state's Convention of States resolution. Each state must pass this exact application to aggregate towards the 34 states necessary to call a Convention.

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Convention of states action

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