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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!



Military/Veterans Palm Card

Published in Coalitions Volunteer Resources on July 22, 2021 by Kyle Key

A palm card to help engage active military and veterans in joining a Convention of States coalition.

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A "Constitutional Prescription" to Save the Nation and...

Published in Coalitions on April 05, 2019 by Michael Sean Tranchina

By Doctor and Senator Tom Coburn. The healthcare system cannot be fixed by physicians. “Did you ever think it would get this bad? The federal government now practices medicine, tells you how you have to record your notes, and limits your ability to freely practice as you were trained.” Do you realize there is nothing in the...

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Published in Coalitions on November 30, 2017 by John Eggenton

Dr. Jeffery Barke, MD California

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Convention of states action

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