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Convention of States!



Is America a Democracy?

Published in Blog on June 20, 2024 by Will T. Zwart

Fortunately, the United States Constitution, the highest law in the land and the final, codified authority on the matter, makes it very clear.

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COS Can Promote SCOTUS Uniformity

Published in Blog on June 19, 2024 by Stanley E Gilewicz

In WV v. EPA the Supreme Court invoked the “major questions doctrine” and determined that EPA’s regulatory regime would have significant economic impact and required Congressional approval. For Missouri v. Biden, SCOTUS declined to accept the case due to a “lack of standing”. Why?

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Is Maryland Truly the Free State?

Published in Blog on June 16, 2024 by Steve Shapero

In Montgomery County, Maryland, parents were told their children, who attend its public schools, may not opt out of classes that teach transgenderism or the materials they are exposed to that champion gay pride parades and other LGBTQ materials.  Nor can parents expect to be notified when these sexual ideologies are being presented.

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Convention of states action

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