On July 21, 2022, barely a month after major cervical surgery, COS State Director, Jacque Martin, was the guest speaker for the Bill of Rights Arkansas in Jonesboro, the fifth largest city in the state. Accompanying her was David Ormsby, Regional Captain for Region 1, and Jamie Franks, State Grassroots Coordinator.
There were over thirty attendees at the meeting hosted by Roger Kidd, President, Bill of Rights Arkansas, at a local restaurant, Lazzari Italian Oven. Most in attendance were gun owners, TEA party folks, small business owners, and political conservatives from the area. State Representative Brandt Smith, a major supporter of COS and who assisted in getting the Arkansas Resolution passed in 2019, was also in attendance. After a brief introduction by Mr. Kidd and opening statements by Iris Stevens, President of Northeast Arkansas TEA Party, Ms. Martin presented various videos about the Article V Amendment Convention of States movement.
Interestingly, no one attending the meeting had ever heard of the Constitutional ‘runaway convention’ myth. Ms. Martin handed out pocket Constitutions with the verbiage highlighted in Article V that talks about the second way to amend the US Constitution – “on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments”. Emphasis on the word ‘proposing’. Everyone was in agreement that Congress doesn’t have the will to establish term limits for themselves, federal courts, or the Deep State. It must come from the people in the states.
Representative Smith stated, “The Convention of States is the only I’ve seen to deal with an out of control federal government.”
Everyone in attendance signed the petition provided at the meeting and a new Regional Captain for Region 5, which is in northeast Arkansas was recruited. Roger Kidd has agreed to assume that role and help promote COS Arkansas in Jonesboro. He has already been busy recruiting volunteers. Overall, it was a very productive meeting.