Nineteen states have passed the Convention of States resolution, calling for a convention of the states to propose constitutional amendments that will limit federal spending, limit federal power, and set term limits for federal officials. We need 34 states to get to a convention!
Don't count Hawai'i out! Your legislators need to hear from you.
You are the driving force of our Article V movement, and your legislators should know you want to see constitutional amendments that restore power to 'We The People'. Please take a moment right now to email and call your state legislators. Ask for their commitment to support and vote for Convention of States.
We did our best to make communication with your legislators as easy as possible, but feel free to make the email your own. If you want to share more with your representatives, like your personal testimony or why you love Convention of States, then click the message box to make changes. Please remember to be respectful when addressing your representatives.
Mahalo in advance for taking 5 minutes to act for the preservation of our Republic!