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Social Media Warriors take Twitter by storm

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

Like Facebook and Twitter? Want to help the Convention of States Project without leaving the comfort of your home?

We have a job for you.

We've recently created a new leadership position called a Social Media Warrior. These folks are like the first responders of the Convention of States team. Their job is to engage with our current social media supporters, addressing their concerns and encouraging them to sign the petition and get more involved.

We held a kickoff event for the position last night -- The Convention of States Twitter Rally -- during which our Social Media Warriors sent out 8,207 tweets and recruited hundreds of new Warriors for the cause.

Six-hundred and forty dedicated patriots have signed up for the Social Media Warrior position thus far, but we know there are more out there.

If you'd like to get involved, visit this leadership page. Then you can get plugged in right away by joining the Social Media Warrior Facebook group and participating in this week's call on Sunday at 9 p.m. EST.

We're excited to spread the Convention of States message through social media, and we look forward to working with you!

Click here to get involved!
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