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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


We the People

Published in Blog on June 27, 2023 by Yvette Kimmel

We the People need to get busy. We the People need to reclaim a government created to represent us and rein in our current government that practices overreach with little to no apparent thought. 

Freedom and the desire to maintain our freedoms should be a bipartisan issue. After all, we are "WE the PEOPLE."

In today's surreal world, citizens who raise a question about our diminishing freedoms are often called deniers of something, conspiracy theorists, or some equally complimentary label. The government and the press have done an excellent job driving a wedge between us. 

Let's stop this. We are better than this.  

In a June 20th article in Epoch Times, a woman named Ashley Smith (name changed to protect her family) described her jump from a "gut-wrenching exodus from the left" to having “a much more well-rounded view of the realities of the world.” 

How did she change?  

She forced herself to listen. “I started really exposing myself to other perspectives,” she said.

That sounds like a great idea for all of us.  

We the People need to start questioning more, possibly everything,  including each other and our own beliefs. The quote "If it seems too good to be true..." has many derivatives. As far as our government and media go, perhaps the new version of the quote is, "If they said it's good and it's true, it probably isn't."

The divide between parties and people is detrimental to our mission: the mission of reclaiming our freedoms and protecting our constitutional democracy. We are divided and have become complacent, hoping someone else will fix the problem. History shows us time and again the dangers of complacency, and the government is chock full of "fixes" that are shocking when we wake up to what's happened.  

The next time you catch yourself in a surreal moment when you realize the government has invaded your life, vow to take action. Call or email your state representative. Make noise. Do something. 

Next time you find yourself in a surreal conversation with an opposing viewpoint, take a deep breath. Listen. Steer the conversation back to common ground. We the People are better together. United.    

Research and join Convention of States. It’s a grassroots movement that will utilize Article V of the Constitution to legally amend very specific parts of the Constitution. This important Article authorizes We the People to amend the Constitution once a 2/3 majority of states agree to meet. 

It's a fascinating process provided to us by our extremely wise forefathers. They understood how overly centralized power corrupts even the best-intentioned leaders. We the People can take back the power intended to always be ours.  

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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