Did you know that our federal government is making billions of dollars every month by continuing the trade war with China?
Tariffs charged on goods entering the country from China go right into the federal government’s pockets. It is a tax increase on consumers similar to a federal sales tax, except that it is collected when goods enter the country rather than at the point of sale.
Likewise, the government of China is also making a substantial amount of money from their tariffs. With both governments profiting greatly from this situation, there really is no incentive for either country to end the trade war.
Before the U.S. Constitution was amended in 1909 to add the 16th Amendment to allow the collection of income taxes, the federal government’s main source of funding was from tariffs. As long as consumers are willing to buy all the goods tariffs are being levied upon, they will continue to be charged.
The only effective means to pressure both governments is through consumer action. Historically when consumers boycott goods from a country that tariffs are being levied upon, governments reach an agreement to stop charging them. They have to help the economy overcome the loss in trade.
If Americans decided to not buy any goods made in China, even though it would hurt our economy in the short term, the trade war would end much sooner. As long as this trade war continues, everybody importing and selling Chinese goods is helping the current administration generate significantly more revenue than any ever has from tariffs in the history of our nation.
Just remember this next time you see the “Made in China” sticker at Wal-Mart. Buying those items is exactly what our leaders in the federal government want you to continue doing, so they can continue to benefit from the tariff revenue at the consumer’s expense.
Do you think this hidden tax increase is fair? Admittedly, it affects the poor and middle class the most in our country. Ultimately, the middle class is paying the most in tariffs as they buy the most consumer goods made in China.
There is something you can do about this. Send a message to the elite in Washington, D.C., that enough is enough. Join the Convention of States movement and sign the petition.
Ask yourself if those in Washington are representing your interests, or do they seem to be representing their own? Our petition numbers continue to grow as patriots just like you realize our federal government needs to be more limited so they will respect the citizens they are supposed to represent.