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Brett's Blog: Monday, March 20, 2023 - Too Close for Comfort

Published in Blog on March 19, 2023 by Brett Sterley, State Director, Convention of States Missouri

It’s December 1775. General George Washington’s Continental Army has suffered yet another defeat – having lost New York City to the British only three months ago. Encamped along the Delaware River at McKonkey’s Ferry, Washington’s Army is running low on food, ammunition, clothing and shoes. The winter weather is digging in. The Continental Army has yet to defeat the British in any battle since the beginning of the Revolution.

The weather, lack of supplies and string of defeats is decimating the rag-tag Continental Army. More than 11,000 officers and other volunteers have deserted. They’ve returned to their families, and many more are considering the same. Their conscriptions are up at the end of December. Financial support from the French, as well as supply chain issues, will not be resolved by the new year. It’s looking to be a long difficult winter.

Senior officers in other units have left their troops and returned to their homes rather than endure the harsh New England weather. They intend to return and take up the fight when fighting conditions are more favorable – but not General Washington and the men who appreciate his conviction.

General Washington sits in his quarters considering the options. The rebellion is in a precarious situation. Without an Army, the American Revolution and the desire for independence is over. Personally, Washington knows he’ll eventually be captured and hanged for treason against the British Crown. Unless the Continental Army has a significant victory soon, or something to boost morale, the American Revolution is over.

Washington has just learned of a pamphlet published in the Philadelphia Journal – the pamphlet penned by the acclaimed orator and writer Thomas Paine. He reads Paine’s words – words that capture the moment. These precious words just might be what’s needed to maintain what’s left of Washington’s fledgling Army and fuel them through the harsh winter. General Washington has Paine’s prose read to his troops.

"These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

Washington’s troops are inspired by this message. Everyone stands a bit taller. Their resolve seems to be bolstered. The words remind them of why they took up arms to fight the best trained, best equipped army in the world today, the British and German Hessian soldiers.

“Conditions will not soon be more favorable,” Washington says to himself. “The Army still needs to score a victory very soon. So, I ask for God’s Providence to intervene once again for the benefit of the Revolution.”

Of course, we know what occurred subsequent to this point. General Washington ordered his Army to cross the frozen Delaware River to attack the Hessian Army in Trenton the dark night of Christmas Day. The result was the Continental Army’s first victory against the British. It was the turning point of the American Revolution. Thomas Paine’s words and Divine Intervention played a major role in the establishment of our republic and a government of, by and for the people.

Today, it sure doesn’t feel like we have the government established by our Founding Fathers, does it? Well, that’s because we don't – at least not in practice.

As a society, we’ve allowed ourselves to become complacent as a result of our comfort. Not all of us have the same level of comfort, possessions or resources of course. Yet, we are still better off than any civilization in world history and any other country today. We are surrounded by shiny objects like: cell phones, automobiles, wi-fi, Netflix, etc. The truly important things – liberty, freedom of conscience, freedom of mobility, freedom of association, principles of federalism and Absolute Truth – are under continuous assault. Without the foundation of these principles, nothing else matters.

We are where we are, not because the forces of tyranny are stronger than the forces of liberty. We are here largely because we’ve refused to fight.  Washington’s Army fought battles and suffered defeat after defeat because they were outmatched and out equipped. It was only after they were reminded of the reason they fought that the tide of the American Revolution turned. The British and Hessian soldiers were fighting for THINGS. The Continental Army was fighting for SOMETHING above and beyond the material.

Many reading this understand what is on the line and what we are fighting for. Many reading this are actively fighting for the same SOMETHING Washington’s Army did.

While we are not fighting under the circumstances or the threat of immediate physical harm the Continental Army endured, it is uncomfortable nonetheless. We who believe in our founding Principles and the Social Compact tend to be non-confrontational. “Just let me live my life freely (within the confines of a civil society), you do the same and our country will be better off.”

I submit that the Social Compact has been broken. There’s a significant segment of society that no longer believes in objective Absolute Truths. Instead of traditional debates of the proper role of government, we now discuss what defines a woman or a man. Instead of discussing the best methods to educate students in reading, writing and arithmetic, we are witnessing the overt sexual exploitation of children. There is a reason some revile the “Slippery Slope Argument.” It’s because it is undefeated.

When we refuse to adequately defend what is just and right, the forces of evil will fill the vacuum. Make no mistake, we are witnessing unprecedented evil in our society. We have lost our country because until now, we have largely refused to fight. Traditional policy arguments have always benefited some constituent groups. Many of the discussions in the foreground today benefit NO ONE. This is evil and it must be decisively defeated.

The primary mission of the Convention of States Project is to develop an army of self-governing citizen activists who understand and are dedicated to restoring our Constitutional form of government, Founding Principles and Absolute Truths. We arm ourselves with facts, truth, reason and resolve. The goal is to bring about a political and spiritual revolution to restore our republic.

Where we do this, we are winning. Watch what happens when parents defend their children at school board meetings. Their mics are turned off. The meetings are adjourned. When we push back, we are called names and sometimes horrible names. This is their response because they cannot defend their positions. They know their ideas are based on lies.

This is not comfortable for us. We have and will continue to have uncomfortable conversations. We must support and encourage each other. We are not summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. Each of us is being called to fulfill a particular purpose. Each person reading this, is here at this time ON PURPOSE. Heed the call. The restoration and preservation of our republic depends on the conviction of good to confront and stop evil. It is too close for our comfort.

In liberty,


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