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Brett's Blog: Monday, January 23, 2023 - Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You, Part Three – The Grassroots Coordinator

Published in Blog on January 21, 2023 by Brett Sterley, State Director, Convention of States Missouri

The Convention of States Project is a grassroots volunteer organization. We succeed as a team when every individual succeeds. This may be the first time you have been involved with a political organization. It is probable that you are stepping out of your comfort zone. It is our responsibility to provide the support you need to succeed.

The State Grassroots Coordinator Team helps vet and on-board new volunteers. They are our Personnel Department. Each person comes to the COSP with unique motivations and specific goals you are looking to achieve. During the initial vetting process, we must ensure our goals and objectives are aligned. After determining this, we try to place each volunteer in the role that best provides them the opportunity to succeed. The State Grassroots Coordinator (SGC) role is the guiding light in this process. If you do not receive what you need from the Convention of States Project, you will not have a successful experience and our team will not succeed.

A major focus of our Grassroots Development Team is the recruitment and training of District Captains (DC). It is critical our DCs are properly equipped and have the necessary support since they are closest to our grassroots supporters. After passing through the vetting process, the SGC Team will connect you with our training team. We have customized our training program to what has been successful in Missouri. We teach the ins and outs of our technology platforms so every volunteer has the tools they need to succeed in their role. We also provide educational resources about Article V, our Founding Principles, best practices and legal framework of being a volunteer. You are not alone!

The State Grassroots Coordinator Team helps recruit District Captains and other volunteers to strengthen our team. This could be in strategic districts, for roles that we do not have filled or recruiting teams who can travel to the Capitol on short notice for committee hearings, floor votes or specific events. The SGC Team is an integral part of assembling an effective team.

The ideal persons for this role are those with a personnel or management background. This experience does not have to come from the private sector. If you have recruited or coordinated teams for charities, PTA organizations or other volunteer teams, this is a great fit. If you enjoy team building and professional development, I encourage you to apply for the Grassroots Coordinator role at this link. Come be part of our team and save our republic!

In liberty,


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