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Brett's Blog Archive - Monday, October 4, 2021: Let’s Do It Again

Published in Blog on October 11, 2021 by Brett Sterley, State Director, Convention of States Missouri

Will an Article V Convention of States happen? Maybe not next year or the one following but it can and must happen if we are to save our liberties and our way of life.

Wait! Despite over 400 Article V applications to Congress since our Constitution’s development, we have yet to have a Convention of States. So, why am I saying, “let’s do it again?” Because it implies that after one of these historical moments in time there will be another.

Once we have a resolution passed in 34 states to call a convention then Congress must name the place and time. The power-mad members of Congress will probably need a great deal of ‘influence’ from their constituents before they act but act they will if they expect to be re-elected.

They will probably make it widely known that nothing will come out of a convention that they cannot already do themselves. And, in order to allay their own fears, they will probably tell themselves that they have nothing to worry about because the Deep State is really in control.

We will have a convention one day and when the first proposed amendment from the convention is ratified by 38 states and Congress must enact the laws to put that amendment into effect, then the fear on Capitol Hill will be impossible to hide.

A little microcosm of this process is occurring now in school board meetings all across our country as people stand up and demand that their children be educated rather than indoctrinated. An association representing the school boards has recently run to President Biden in fear of their constituents because the American people have begun to take back their country one ‘oh, heck no’ at a time.

Who will Nancy Pelosi (or some future power-mad politician) run to when the American people realize that they have changed their Constitution without the input of Congress? Who will all the people dependent upon the power of the Deep State run to when the American people say, “Let’s do it again?”

If we ever expect to ‘do it again’ then we need to prepare now by learning everything we can about our form of government, both in its current flawed state and how it was intended to be by the framers of the Constitution. Find a place in your local, state or federal government where an ‘oh, heck no’ is needed and start practicing self-governance. Share what you learn along the way with others and, where possible, encourage them to take on a little fight of their own. It will be good practice for the big one.

The resolution which the Convention of States Projects is working on covers only three subjects which can be addressed at convention: term limits, fiscal restraints and reining in the federal government. What do you want to see happen at the convention? When the time comes and the commissioners are being given their instructions by our state legislatures what suggestions will you have for your representatives?

So, for now, let’s do it. So one day we can do it again.

In liberty,


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