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Brett's Blog Archive: Monday, March 28, 2022 - The Long and Winding Road

Published in Blog on March 29, 2022 by Brett Sterley, State Director, Convention of States Missouri

Who would have thought 2 1/2 years ago that we’d be where we are today?

Fourteen days to flatten the curve has turned into 2+ years. In that time we’ve seen unbelievable violations of our God-given Constitutional rights. Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, distance learning, cancel culture, the shutdown of wide segments of our economy, a $30T national debt and two of the most heinous words ever spoken - ‘non-essential employee.'

All this, because many of our elected officials and so-called experts refused to follow the science and chose to follow a scientist.

A positive outcome of virtual learning has been that parents saw what their kids were being taught. As a result of these events, more people today are engaged and involved in the political process, and that should give each of us hope.

As depressing as the news cycle can be, we are slowly winning. How do I know this? Just take a look at how the Statists react.

When parents and citizens challenge school board members, what happens? They cut off microphones, walk out of the meeting or call security on peaceful, concerned parents. When we point out the obvious – that male athletes should compete against other male athletes – Big Tech censors us.

We are here because as a society not enough people understand our Founding Principles. We are here because as a society we have not been self-governing citizens and defenders of the Constitution. The result is a government that operates outside its Constitutional authority. The Convention of States Project aims to correct that.

The Framers of the Constitution knew we would be here sooner or later. They understood history. They understood the tendency of a central government is to accumulate more and more power for itself. They therefore drafted the Constitution to create a system of government least likely to violate individual rights.

They gave us an incredible document. They did not know if they had distributed power among the branches properly or had made drafting errors. They knew there must be a way to change the Constitution for these reasons and others learned over time and experience.

On September 15, 1787 George Mason addressed the delegates at the Philadelphia Convention and pointed out they had a serious flaw in the document. They had given only Congress the ability to propose amendments to the Constitution. Mason asked, “Are we so naive to believe that a government that has become a tyranny will take steps to restrain its own tyranny?”

Obviously, the answer to that question is 'no.'

Therefore, a proposal was made to give state legislatures the co-equal authority of Congress to propose amendments. In a convention that had scrutinized every word of the Constitution, the convention of states process was adopted unanimously and without debate.

The amending processes are in Article V of the Constitution.

In his farewell address George Washington said, “If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.“

A super-majority of Americans have agreed for decades that the federal government does too much, spends too much and stays there too long. They also agree the federal government will never act to change any of these facts.

The Convention of States Project’s Article V resolution allows proposals in three subject matter areas: limiting the size, scope and jurisdiction of the federal government, discussing term limits for federal officials, and restoring fiscal restraints. This resolution addresses each area where the federal government today is acting outside its Constitutional authority.

George Mason said that an Article V convention of states meeting should be “easy, regular and constitutional.” It is high time we follow the direction of The Framers and use the Constitution to save the Constitution and our beloved United States of America.

In liberty,


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