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Brett's Blog Archive - Monday, July 26, 2021: A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth

Published in Blog on July 30, 2021 by Brett Sterley, State Director, Convention of States Missouri

It can be overwhelming trying to stay 'plugged in' day after day, though we are blessed to have access to information on-demand. I remember my first research project during my master’s program. I selected my topic, outlined my plan of attack and decided what types of source material I wanted to use. Off to the library- wait a minute! I have all the information here at my fingertips. Oh how things had changed since completing my bachelor’s program in 1992 to 1996.

There are some drawbacks to the convenience of having access to instant information: The sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. Next time when you go to a library or a bookstore, look around the reference section. Now, imagine every reference section of every library and bookstore on the planet being available at a moment’s notice. It is impossible to digest all this knowledge. The sources you elect to use is a very important decision as it affects the choices you make.

That leads to another challenge of finding accurate sources. Successful authors make you believe their writing no matter what the subject. Just think of Orson Welles' radio adaptation of H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds” in 1938. Many people believed we were actually being invaded by extraterrestrials. It sounds ludicrous today to believe such a thing. Or does it?

With the advent of social media, anyone can be an 'expert.' Sifting through the nonsense online is a huge undertaking. Whether it be from shares of media articles, selectively edited quotes or personal opinions, the Internet is cluttered with incomplete information to outright lies. The media has earned the moniker of 'fake news' and abused the public trust by advancing agendas instead of reporting the news.

Unlike the Biden Administration’s announcement we discussed last week, censorship is not the answer.

The answer to bad information is truth.

So, where do we look to increase the odds of finding accurate information? My suggestion is to look to original sources. One of the things that drew me to the Convention of States Project was the consistent citations of original content. To support an opinion, links back to the Federalist Papers, Madison’s Notes from the 1787 Convention, letters between the Founders were footnoted. The challenge was made to not believe what you were told but to look to original content and verify you were told the truth. I found the Convention of States Project provided the truth.

Refusing to embrace the truth is one of the reasons we are where we are. This refusal leads to poor decisions and negative consequences. At times, you may find the truth is at odds with your own point of view and personal opinions, but we have to maintain a love for the truth and the willingness to pursue it. This takes courage, but it is what we must do for a just and prosperous society.

Let us resolve to find the truth, embrace the truth and act on the truth. To learn more about the Convention of States Project and The Framers’ solution to restore the Constitution, check out our Resource Page. Arm yourself with the truth and defend it boldly and bravely.

In liberty,


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