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Brett's Blog Archive: Monday, January 17, 2022 - Opening Day 2022: In the words of our supporters and volunteers - Part 1

Published in Blog on January 16, 2022 by Brett Sterley, State Director, Convention of States Missouri

Last week I gave you my update about Opening Day. A few of the approximately 25 supporters and volunteers who also attended have been kind enough to share their perspectives. Please consider joining us on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 for Surge Day.

For Liberty,


Opening Day 2022
Don Pettigrew, Laura Pettigrew, John Probst, Cindy Leech, Shelly Harrison, Bennie Salkil, Jim Brooks and Greg Tate.


I just returned from my first event at the Missouri State Capitol building, Opening Day of the second regular session of the 101st General Assembly of the Missouri legislature. As a newly-designated District Captain, I felt this was an important event for me to attend as I had never met with my district state legislators before.

It was also so very nice meeting the COS folks in person that I’ve been working with and the other volunteers as well. I give special thanks to Bennie Salkil for being with me as we met with legislators and to Brett Sterley who did a terrific job preparing our group for effective and successful discussions with them.  

As I spoke to each legislator, I realize they are people too. They are people who care about this state, it's history, our citizens, and America. They genuinely listened to us and appreciated our visit. We might not always agree on every path forward but we do walk on common ground. Now I am not naive enough to think that is every legislator's motive, but today gave me hope and the energy to continue to press on toward the goal!

By Shelly Harrison, COS District Captain for Missouri House District 57

Convention of States Missouri supporters were well-represented at this year’s Opening Day from the urban and rural areas. We split up by region and visited the key representatives from the Missouri areas we represented. For a few key supporters, a large group was assembled to let them know we are growing and still interested.

We divided up into two groups, and one group attended the House ceremonies and the other was in the Senate chambers. Volunteer Rosendo (Marty) Martinez and his daughter were introduced by Senator Jeanie Riddle from the Senate floor (two of only four so honored.)

It seemed to me that our legislation is well received and has a good chance of getting streamlined and resolved well before the end of this legislative session. From the legislators I met with, there are several takeaways:

  • They aren’t hearing enough from constituents.
  • They believe that the legislative calendar will be filled with redistricting issues.
  • The Republican super-majority is no longer available due to representatives leaving office. I believe this poses a risk to the speedier resolution of matters.

We have a beautiful Capitol, and it is well worth the visit if you have the opportunity.

By Greg Tate, COS District Captain for Missouri House District 98

Opening Day at the Missouri State Legislature was a huge success with Convention of States supporters from around Missouri meeting to welcome the Senators and Representatives back to the Capitol.

The COS supporters broke into groups to visit as many of the legislative offices as we could and let the legislators know we appreciated their work and were appreciative of them giving of their time and talent to work at making Missouri a better place of all Missourians.

We informed them that we would again working to get the Commissioner Selection Bill before both houses for passage so when a Convention of States is called, Missouri will be ready to send our delegation to the convention. We attended the opening of the 2nd Regular Session of the 101st General Assembly and were able to witness the House of Representatives in action. While many of us were on the House side, there was also a delegation of COS supporters on the Senate side as well.

After leaving the opening session several of the supporters continued going to the different offices and welcomed legislators back to the Capitol. I would encourage as many of you as possible to plan on and attend our Surge Day on February 9. There is nothing better to encourage support for Convention of States and the issues we are supporting than for a Senator or Representatives to have their constituents to come to Jefferson City and have a conversation in their office.

By Bennie Salkil, Grassroots Coordinator

Editor's Note: Please visit our Missouri Information Page for links and suggestions to help you get involved in your government. Let your elected officials hear from you. When others are silent your voice is loud.

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