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Brett's Blog Archive: Monday, April 4, 2022 - Perspective

Published in Blog on April 05, 2022 by Brett Sterley

Merriam-Webster defines perspective as: “a mental view or prospect” or “the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed.”

Typically, we discuss perspective when comparing our personal situation in life to another person’s circumstance. One of my mother’s favorite sayings was, “No matter how bad things are, someone else has it worse.” Most of the time that’s true. But, saying that wasn’t very comforting to me most of the time. I’d think ‘this is happening to ME! Sure, someone has it worse than I do but, this is personal. This situation is affecting my life directly!’ 

It seems as though every day bad news is bombarding us. Whether it’s inflation, the decline of morality, the decay of civil society, economic uncertainty and escalating crime. These are daily challenges that cause us stress, loss of sleep and possibly recurring health issues. 

These are all serious issues. They are the reason many of us are citizen activists with the Convention of States Project. It’s not my purpose to diminish any of our challenges because they do threaten the very existence of our constitutional republic. So, let’s put our ability to affect positive change into perspective. 

I’ve long been amazed at how the Israeli people carry on normal life amid continual threats from neighboring countries. Imagine going to a restaurant or store and having to be aware a rocket attack or a suicide bomber could harm you. 

Remember the news reports of Iraqi citizens risking their lives to vote for the first time in generations. We saw the men and women showing their purple-inked thumbs upon leaving their polling place. Some Iraqis were attacked and died before they were able to vote.

Now, we see the atrocities occurring in the Ukraine. This Russian invasion has caused more than three million Ukrainians to flee their homes. Towns have been razed. Food production has been interrupted or destroyed. Families have been separated. For many, the daily routine is to live another day. Tens of thousands of brave Russian citizens have protested against their government’s actions – only to be rounded up and thrown in prison or killed. 

As Convention of States citizen activists, the reason why we’re involved in the push back against government tyranny is to prevent these same scenarios from being repeated in America. We have injustices that regularly occur here. But for now, they are the exceptions instead of the rule. We have Big Tech shadow-banning, de-platforming and censoring those who do not follow the big government narrative. And yet, we still have the ability to get our message out. 

While we navigate these challenges and issues in our daily lives and volunteer work, let’s appreciate how fortunate we still are to be involved in the political process. We still have the ability to redress our federal government and most of the time not suffer repercussions. Our efforts will preserve these abilities and begin to return us to the vision The Framers originally had – of self-governing citizens holding the federal government accountable for their actions and forcing them to act within their constitutional authority.

Kind regards,


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