Our public discourse has descended into a pointless waste of oxygen where the only challenge is to see who yells the loudest.
Wow! Thanks, Captain Obvious.
It was just a couple decades ago when people could express their opinions passionately and rationally. It seems that ship has long since sailed.
What caused this to happen? How can we change it? Is it already too late?
I may not have the answers, but I do have some thoughts. These thoughts come from speaking with our grassroots patriots.
First, society suffers from an absence of faith. I am not speaking of a specific religion. Our country’s founding was based upon the principle that our Creator has given us certain rights that are never up for a vote.
That also means that these rights are beyond the reach of mankind. Every person has these rights no matter where on Earth they are born. The purpose of our government is to protect and defend these rights. But today, we’re told by social engineers that the government, or others, now have the ability to grant our rights.
The belief in a Creator is a foundational principle of limited government. By understanding this, our government officials instinctively know they are not at the top of the food chain. To my knowledge, we are the only country founded on this principle. Great Britain, France, Germany, China, none can ever have a limited government under their current governing document.
Our Founding Fathers were absolutely people of faith. They never erected a barrier between faith and the government. They knew a just government could not exist without freedom and virtue.
The decline of our educational system is another contributing factor. As a graduate of the public school system, I’m an avid proponent of education. But looking at nearly every objective measurement today (math proficiency, literacy rates, the ability to pass a citizenship test, etc.), I can honestly say our public school systems are failures.
The reason they fail is simple. They do not ask the key question of every educational decision: “Does this maximize a student’s opportunity to become a functioning member of society?”
I am a big supporter of teachers, as well. I fully believe most teachers want to do what’s best for their students. Too often though, the educational bureaucracy and teachers unions impede student success.
In fact, education is the greatest civil rights issue of our time. It’s unforgivable to force our children into failed schools because of their ZIP code. Giving parents the ability to choose where their children attend school and creating true competition in education will force failed schools to reform to meet student needs. The result will be adults with a better chance to be successful. An educated mind cannot be controlled. This evidence is so overwhelming it’s not unreasonable to think that restricting choice is intentional.
So, what can we do about this? Well, there is an answer.
In the Convention of States movement, we have learned that there’s no problem that a sufficient number of grassroots citizens cannot solve. Education is one of the most enjoyable aspects of volunteering for the COS. Whether it’s studying the Constitution, our founding principles, The Federalists Papers, or the shortcomings of our country, the more we understand our history, the better we can chart a path for the future.
Here’s how you can help.
Get involved with your local school board or your school’s PTA organization. Talk to your children’s teachers, administrators, and principals. Home school if you can do so effectively.
We the People do have the ability to solve these problems. It will take effort to do so. Sometimes it will not be fun. It will be difficult. But it is surely worth it. It has taken decades to get here. It will take some time to correct our course. I am confident we can do this and preserve liberty for every man, woman and child no matter what race, national origin or religion.
Our republic needs a political, cultural, and spiritual rebirth. The Convention of States Project was founded to bring about political change. It’s become apparent over our seven-year lifespan that we also can be the vehicle to bring about our spiritual rebirth.
I invite you to take the Convention of States University course COS 300: Convention of States Culture. This is a free, self-guided course that will help you learn more about our principles and foundation.
I hope you will agree that the Convention of States Project is the best organization to affect positive, constitutional change and preserve liberty for all Americans.
In liberty,