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Convention of States!


Op Ed: A convention of states would protect the Constitution

Published in Blog on February 28, 2019 by Laurie Wheeler

The following was written by Regional Captain Russ Beyer and originally published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Our state legislators can discipline the federal government.

Article V of the Constitution has been described as a safety valve put in place by our Founding Fathers.

They wisely anticipated a time when the federal government would become too powerful and usurp power that belongs to the states.

Article V is the mechanism built into the Constitution to allow the people and the states to take back their power and their rights.

Under the Convention of States Project’s approach, proposed amendments would be limited to the specific topics of imposing fiscal restraints, limiting the power of the federal government, and setting term limits for Congress, the judiciary, and/or federal bureaucrats.

Learn about the Convention of States Project here.

I urge you to join me in working toward this last, best chance to restore liberty in America.

No president can make the kind of repairs we need, but we the people can do it if we stick together.

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